Wednesday, 3 August 2011

It's back!

This summer has been one of the busiest of my professional life so far, hence the scarcity of updates, so, to make up for that, here's a big bumper one.

First off was the Evans King of the Downs, shot for their in-store catalogue. I rode this a couple of years ago, a great route, although I binned it at half time due to some of the worst weather I've ever experienced on the bike. Not so this year: the sun was shining and a great day was had by all.



Following this, there was the Fred Whitton Challenge, the article for which appeared in last month's Cycling Plus Magazine. This was a beast of an event and a pleasure to photograph. Big respect to everyone who finished.

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And there's much more to follow, including a gig shot in the pitch black with an infrared camera, and lots and lots of bicycles. Give me a moment to catch my breath...

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